Only 2 months and 2 days until I can kiss my life goodbye for 19 months!

As most everyone knows, I will be starting nursing school at University of Portland in January. This program is by far my first choice out of all seven schools I applied to this year. UP is a great school with a great reputation and better yet, I get a BSN after 19 months of schooling. Oh wait, even better... I earned a scholarship through Providence which pays my tuition to this pricey school, in return, I will work for Providence at least 3 years after graduation! Although, after being a Providence employee, I can see myself working for Providence for many years to come.
Some things I worry about?
* Not seeing friends because I have no life
* Slacking on keeping a clean house
* Not playing softball with Brian next summer
* Sleep deprivation
* 85 miles round trip driving everyday
* Losing my "adult" life
* Not going to my parent's house in Texas as often as I like
* Finding balance
Some things I am excited about...
* Going into Portland everyday and being close to Starbucks and Target
* FINALLY learning about things that excite me
* Living my dream of becoming Ashleigh McKenzie, BSN
* Making a nurses wage!
* Meeting new friends who have the same goal
* Not having to go through the application process this year!
As for being in; it feels great...but scary! For so many years I have waited and hoped and had disappointment and now? I'm in...I'm not familiar with the next step!
To start off, I've been busy getting the little stuff done...
Shots...Hep B, Swine, Flu, name it, I got it...

Shoes... What's better than all white nursing shoes? All black nursing shoes. Since I knew I needed to get something boring, I went PATENT, hopefully when I am feeling boring, I can look down and see the spice in my shoes!

Scrubs... Two different brand choices, but only one color. WILD GRAPE. Grape, eggplant, purple pleaser are NOT accepted.

Lastly, the badge must be sewn on meticulously! If only I had a picture on my computer of the actual diagram they sent me.
In the end, I am happy to be accepted to a school where everyone looks the same, and looks clean and professional. It sets a good example and always something I strive for. Just a pain when trying to make sure everything is done and bought perfect to UP standards!