
1 month on the wagon

Yep, I've stayed and maintained on the wagon for a month! Feels like longer, and definitely feels like one of those covered wagons being pulled by horses going 5 MPH.... SLOW! I've accepted it, and as slow as it's going I am sticking to it.

As of today as I weighed in, I am down 9.4 pounds according to WW.  I am down a couple more pounds according to my scale but I am mostly just sticking to the official weigh in amount.

My job starts in a little over 2 1/2 weeks, and I hit my goal of fitting back in my scrub pants! Last week actually!

My next goal, lose 10% of my weight. 

Keep on truckin.. my elliptical is in over drive!   

1 comment:

The Jarmans said...

I'm so proud of you! I need to loose my last 10lbs of baby weight and it sucks, im so used ot eating like im pregnant. So hard to eat healthy and small portions all the time. You can do it! and you are going to be an awesome nurse :)