Today concludes my 9 month segment of Anatomy and Physiology being over and done with! Wooohooo! Working and school has kicked my butt the last two terms and I am so happy to be over and done with it for a while!
After my final today, I headed over to Target to pick up some xmas lights and a wreath. Brian called and told me he was in town and it was a beautiful day, we went and picked out a xmas tree.
A $40 tree turned into about a $250 tree... We went to a tree farm high up Cape Horn, where the roads are very curvy! The dog's had their sea legs on and wouldn't sit down. As a result, when Brian opened the back door of the truck, splat whet the gallon of paint he just bought. On his beloved Lucky jeans and nice black shoes. On top of that the poor boy thought he was going to have to lay down on the ground and cut a tree down. Too bad the one we finally chose was the one pre-cut!
Here is the finished product, next year I will be adding to it....Needs more lights!